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    Churches You Must Avoid!

One of the biggest movements that is leading people straight to hell is called the "prosperity gospel". Also known as the "word of faith" movement. Catchphrases like "Name it and claim it", "Live your best life now", and "Living the blessed life" are drawing people in by the thousands. Why this is so dangerous is that "pastors" have their congregation believing that Jesus came to make you wealthy, while they get wealthy off of your tithes. They claim that we're never supposed to experience any health, financial, or relational problems. Anything less than "your best life now" is a direct result of your lack of giving. I always ask; were the apostles living their best life now while they were being stoned to death, burned at the steak, crucified upside down, and sawed in half? Absolutely not! They died for the gospel, the true gospel of Jesus Christ. In fact, scripture tells us quite the opposite. It says that when we become Christians, we will be persecuted and hated for our faith in Jesus. We are told we're sexist, homophobic, intolerant, bigoted, ignorant of the truth and that we're just down right malicious people. If our relationship with the world is one of disdain, we're likely following scripture and not the world.

2 Timothy 4:3 is one of the many scriptures that warns us about false teachers and heretical doctrine. "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions."

Here is a group of "pastors" and churches that are dangerous, and need to be avoided at all costs. I have no ill will towards these men and women, I love them in Christ and pray that they turn from their sin, find a Bible believing church, and learn under the teaching of a doctrinally sound teacher of The Word.

Joel Osteen is the lead "pastor" at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Osteen is known for his flare and charm, which has resulted in his great financial success. He is the poster child for the prosperity gospel, having convinced hundreds of thousands of hard working men and women to give much higher than their means support, leaving them in financial ruin. Some have even sold their cars and homes hoping to reap the benefits of the principal "sow a seed, reap a blessing". Ther is zero scriptural support for these claims and they have only resulted in hardship for people and financial flourishing for Osteen.

                This Sums It Up Well...

"The Copelands teach people to have faith in faith. Faith for them is a force. Kenneth declares, "Faith is a power force...it is this force of faith which makes the laws of the spirit world function." He even makes the amazing claim that "God cannot do anything for you apart from faith” because "faith is God's source of power." Without the force of faith, God has no power at all toward you." Faith activates God. Fear activates Satan. Kenneth argues that God is obligated to meet the believer's needs because of His Word. He claims that if you don't put God's Word to use, you are on the same level as the man who does not know that salvation is for him. This "name it, claim it" theology promises believers not only improved health but considerable wealth if they pray with necessary faith." Johan D.Tangelder

                 See Full Article

Hinn’s Doctrinal Deceptions Christians are Gods, Equal to Jesus in Every Way: Benny Hinn, teaching on what it means to be saved: “Say after me: ‘Within me, is a God-Man.’ Say it again: ‘Within me, is a God-Man.’ Now, let’s say [it] even better than that. Let’s say, ‘I am a God-Man.’…This spirit man within me, is God—is a –is a God-Man. Say after me: ‘He’s born of heaven. He’s a super being.’ “God came to earth and touched a piece of dust and turned it into a god…Are you a child of God? Then you’re divine! Then you’re not dust anymore. Are you a child of God? Then you’re not human! “When you say, ‘I am saved,’ what are you saying? You’re saying, ‘I am a Christian.’ What does that word mean? It means ‘I am anointed.’ You know what the word ‘anointed’ means? It means ‘Christ.’ When you say, ‘I am a Christian,’ you are saying, ‘I am Messiah’ in the Hebrew. I am a little Messiah walking on earth in other words. That’s a shocking revelation. “Now ladies and gentlemen, you are on earth exactly what Jesus was on earth….As He is so am I, on earth. …When you walk, Jesus is walking. When you talk, He’s talking. When you move, He’s moving. “When I stand in Christ—I am one with Him; united to Him; one spirit with Him. I am not, hear me, I am not a part of Him, I am Him! The Word has become flesh in me!…When my hand touches someone, it’s the hand of Jesus [that] touches somebody!”

Taken from The Confusing World of Benny Hinn, A Personal Freedom Outreach Publication, 9th edition, December 2002 revision, p. 25,26 – quoted from    www.thebereancall.org/node/38






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